Business Owners & Entrepreneurs 

Did you know that only 10% of the population is self-employed? Being a business owner or entrepreneur requires dedication and countless hours—which is why getting help from a financial planner can be a well-earned source of relief. Learn more about business owner financial planning and how the Oxford Advisory Group can help.

How a Financial Advisor Can Help Entrepreneurs

Undertaking a new business venture can be both exhilarating and exhausting. Financial planning for entrepreneurs can help put things into perspective, and help you feel more prepared for the future. 

Setting Goals

We recommend sitting down with a financial advisor and laying out your goals for your business—both abstract and monetary. Our team can help you determine which goals feel the most realistic and attainable while supporting you every step of the way. 

Creating a Plan

Once your goals are established, it’s time to plan out the next steps for the foreseeable future. How much will you spend in the next few months? What kind of resources should you invest in?

Allocating Resources

With a solid plan in place, an advisor can help you map out your existing resources, and plan for allocating future revenue streams as well.

How a Financial Advisor Can Help Business Owners

For more established enterprises, business owner financial planning can be a crucial part of day-to-day operations. 

Opportunities for Growth & Profitability

Business owners who are truly dedicated to their company never stop innovating. Our team of advisors can help you identify new opportunities, and figure out how to grow your business and increase profitability. 

Tax Planning

Filing taxes as a business owner is often chaotic, which is why working with a professional can be very beneficial. Review your retirement contributions for the year, determine how to maximize deductions, discuss complex employee filing, and more.

Reallocation of Assets

Business owner financial planning also involves asset allocation. Whether you want to diversify your portfolio, look into new investment opportunities, or change up your strategy, our advisors are ready to provide input.

Work With Us at Oxford Advisory Group

Financial planning for entrepreneurs and business owners can be an amazing tool in your arsenal. From goal setting to investment advice, the Oxford Advisory Group is passionate about helping you make the most of your venture. Schedule a meeting today, and let us help shape your future.

Ready to Take The Next Step?

For more information about any of the products and services we offer, schedule a meeting today or register to attend a seminar.