Retirement Planning Services in Florida
You have worked many years now and the time has come to start planning for your retirement. Regardless of your age, it is never too early or too late to begin planning. Retirement planning services help you set your financial goals and identify the risks you need to be ready for in the future. An experienced retirement financial planner in Orlando, FL can use his or her knowledge and experience to help develop a retirement savings plan perfectly tailored to meet your needs.
When you retire, it’s essential to have your finances in check. On average, the social security check in the year 2022 is $1,200 per month. According to Career Karma the cost of living in Florida is $1,832 per month for each person. This makes social security not enough to live off of month to month in Florida. Many factors can influence your ability to reach financial stability by the time you retire. Below is a list of important services to consider when planning your retirement.
We offer a variety of retirement planning services to best fit your current financial needs and future goals to retire in Florida. Our financial advisors are dedicated to helping you maximize your current financial situation and creating a custom strategy to make the most of your retirement plan. Some of the retirement planning services we offer in our Florida locations include:
Income Planning
When you eventually retire, you will no longer be receiving money from your job. During this phase of income planning, discuss with your financial advisor different strategies to enable you to receive income from other sources outside of your current job.
Tax Planning
If you aren’t careful, retirement is a period of time when you can damage a big part of your savings and income. Our professional advisors can help you determine tax-saving strategies to decrease the amount of taxes you pay.
Investment Management
When you invest, you begin by setting aside money that you’ll need in the future that can then grow. Essentially, you’ll be investing in your future self. With your financial plan road map set up, you can be better off when it comes time to make tactful investing decisions.
Risk Management
Oxford Advisory Group will discuss with you ways to balance the risks that come with retirement planning. We look at some of the following risks:
- Insurance Policies
- Analysis of Long-term Care
- Life insurance Benefits
- Medicare Needs
Legacy Planning
Legacy planning is the ability to transfer your assets to loved ones or next of kin after death. Why is this important? Without a plan, your assets and belongings aren’t directed toward anyone; when this happens, the distribution of your assets can get messy. It can become a massive burden on your loved ones to try and determine who should inherit your assets.
Why Should You Plan for retirement?
Let’s talk about a bone-chilling truth about retirement. If you don’t start creating a retirement plan now, and you don’t save enough money to retire, then what’s going to happen? You’ll realize that social security paychecks can cover part of your mortgage or most of your rent in Flordia. But what about the rest of your needs? You need food, clothes, and gas money, and you might want to maintain the luxurious lifestyle you’ve come to establish while working at your past job. Well, where are the rest of those funds going to come from? Nowhere. You’ll have to end your retirement early and rejoin the workforce because you realize you have no other source of income and can’t afford to live off of social security alone.
Benefits of Retirement Planning Services
The benefits of retirement planning services come in a variety of ways, like a peace of mind. Knowing you invest in yourself can allow you to feel freer in the present and live more spontaneously. It can also help prepare you for unexpected events and establish a strong legacy for yourself and your family. Retirement planning can take that burden off your shoulders when it comes to worrying about your finances and your future financial needs.
When should You start planning for retirement?
The sooner, the better. Once you start receiving paychecks is considered one of the best times to start investing in a retirement plan. The sooner you start, the more money you tend to accumulate, and the more time your money has to grow. Start now, and meet with one of our financial specialists to begin investing in your future.
Certified Retirement Planner in Florida & South Carolina
Meet with one of our retirement advisors at Oxford Advisory Group today! We’ll help you discover what you want out of your retirement. We’ll evaluate your situation and determine your retirement needs and create a roadmap for you to achieve your unique financial goals.
Ready to Take The Next Step?
For more information about any of the products and services we offer, schedule a meeting today or register to attend a seminar.